Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Phantom of the Opera

This past week, I went with my husband to see a play on-campus at BYU called The Phantom of the Opera. I had seen the movie once, but this was going to be my first play ever! During the performance, I just sat in awe. The characters were great and their voices were amazing! The songs were very beautiful and I found myself tearing up quite a few times... probably because I'm pregnant, but either way! Afterwards I just couldn't believe how good it had been! So much better than the movie!! I now have the desire to go see more plays whenever we get the chance!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Lost is another one of my favorite TV shows. My husband, Tommy, and I started watching it I think at the end of the summer and we are getting really close to being done with the last seasons. It starts out with a bunch of people being on an airplane to go to LA from Australia. The plane crashes on a random island and all of the people have to work together to live. I really enjoy this TV show because there is some drama and it always leaves me hanging with cliff-hangers to want to watch the next episode to find out what is going to happen. It's very good and I would recommend it to anyone! 

Friends TV Show

Friends is one of my favorite TV shows ever! Each character is so funny and every episode makes me laugh pretty hard! It takes place in New York where the girls live together in an apartment and the boys live together in an apartment for most of the TV show. My favorite characters are Phoebe and Joey. But I truly do love all of the characters! Phoebe and Joey are just the funniest I think. Joey is not very smart but a huge womanizer that it makes it hilarious. Phoebe just is so funny. I love when she sings and plays her guitar... her songs are so funny! If you haven't watched Friends much, I definitely advise you to watch it! You will love it!