Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Phantom of the Opera

This past week, I went with my husband to see a play on-campus at BYU called The Phantom of the Opera. I had seen the movie once, but this was going to be my first play ever! During the performance, I just sat in awe. The characters were great and their voices were amazing! The songs were very beautiful and I found myself tearing up quite a few times... probably because I'm pregnant, but either way! Afterwards I just couldn't believe how good it had been! So much better than the movie!! I now have the desire to go see more plays whenever we get the chance!!


  1. I've heard this was really fabulous! I've seen Phantom probably half a dozen times already, so didn't get tickets, but I've heard this particular production is amazing!

  2. My husband and I really wanted to go to this, but the tickets were sold out before we had a chance. I'm very sad about it. I heard it was amazing.
